Why it’s important to work through your abuse story

For many people, this story lives UNCONSCIOUSLY inside of them - running their life without them even realizing it.

This causes them to:

  • Recreate painful patterns in their relationships that are reminiscent of early trauma

  • Have a harsh inner critic that sounds like the shaming witness who gaslit, denied, dismissed, or disrespected their abuse

  • Feel stuck in their life, career, or relationships unsure how to move forward

  • Feel disconnected from their gifts and purpose

If you don’t heal your abuse story and learn to view it with unshaming eyes, it can become your life story.

You will continue to play it out unconsciously, and repeat the same themes and hurts of past abuse.

Being a CONSCIOUS storyteller means understanding your abuse story from a loving and unshamed perspective, and acknowledging how it shows up in your life.

In Trauma & Abuse: the Unshaming Way, you will become a loving witness to your own story, and find healing and relief from your suffering without retraumatizing yourself.

As a loving witness, you can access all the parts of yourself you have been unconsciously suppressing due to trauma, which will help you become your most authentic YOU and give you the superpowers you need to become unstuck and reach your goals.

Within a safe environment, you’ll approach your story with delightful curiosity so you can learn about yourself & the people around you in a more compassionate way.

You will go into your story of trauma & abuse to see what wisdom, medicine, and gifts lie within.

By working through your trauma in this way, you can stop the cycle of unconsciously recreating painful themes in your life.

You’ll reconnect with your deepest intelligence and access all the precious vulnerability, sweetness, silliness, joy, and medicine that has been cooking within you and is waiting to be unveiled.

Click here to join Trauma & Abuse: the Unshaming Way and become a conscious storyteller

See the impact unshaming trauma has had on my past students:

“After working with David, I ended an emotionally abusive long-term romantic relationship.

“In quiet, solitary, safe moments when grief, anger, internalized oppression and other voices arise, this work has become a faithful, steadying friend and witness for my healing.

“Moving gently and lovingly through these times using the unshamed model is helping me to create new neural pathways, new thinking and being patterns and a new life.”

– Anonymous 

“This work has given me permission to soften. I hadn’t realised it clearly, but for most of my life I’ve held a hard, sharp and cutting view of myself and therefore often the world.

“David’s gentleness and compassion has modelled that strength comes in different forms. I’ve been able to reassess the lens with which I’ve seen everything through.

I hold growing hope that the sometimes torturous loops I’ve felt stuck in may be starting to loosen. I’ve spent so much time looking at where I’m trying to get that it has been difficult to see how I’ve been coming from.

“This witnessing of myself, others, the world, will act as the basis for me to explore how being unshamed may allow me to express in this life.

– Matt Augustyn

“This experience has been shifting bedrock level things inside me in ways I can sense are only just opening. It’s beautiful! I feel like I’m birthing a new me.

“I’ve shared ideas and the exercises with my mom who was abused as a child and she’s finding healing she’s never felt 😭 Thank you for these gifts!”

– Sarah P.

Click here to join Trauma & Abuse: the Unshaming Way.


The unrecognized cost of unhealed trauma


How to work on trauma without the pain of shame